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BOB BOVEE | Calendar






16-19: Bluff Country Gathering, Lanesboro, MN

26: Lewis & Clark Interpretive Center, Sioux City, IA, 1 PM



13: Mineral Point Opera House, Mineral Point, WI with Pop Wagner

15:  Barn Dance at Forestville State Park, Preston, MN with AJ Srubas & Rina Rossi

21: Lanesboro Barn Dance at DreamAcres Farm, Wykoff, MN 7:30 with Julie Young & Smack Walser


20: Lanesboro Barn Dance, Sons of Norway Hall, Lanesboro, MN 8 PM with Corey Mohan & Sam Timmrick

25:  Daniel Boone Regional Library, Columbia, MO, 7 PM

26: Concert at Techline Studio, 306 S. Locust, Champaign, IL, 7 PM  FFI: 217-493-4654



17: Lanesboro Barn Dance, Sons of Norway Hall, Lanesboro, MN 8 PM with Paul Tyler & Fred Campeau

30: Pulpit Rock Brewing, Decorah, IA 7-10 PM  Pulpit Rock Brewing Co.



1-2: Fox Valley Folk Festival, Geneva, IL

14: Lanesboro Barn Dance, Sons of Norway Hall, Lanesboro, MN 8 PM with Dot Kent and Chirps Smith

20: Artists Sanctuary, Red Wing, MN  Facebook POSTPONED to 10/25/2024



4: Barn Dance at the Old Gray Barn,  Spring Grove, MN 7:30 PM with Pop Wagner & Shawn Glidden

11: Unitarian Church, 6300 A St., Lincoln, NE, 7 PM  UNITARIAN CHURCH OF LINCOLN - Home (unitarianlincoln.org)

12:  Omaha Folk Song Society, Omaha, NE FFI: 402-397-4673

25: Artists Sanctuary, Red Wing, MN  Facebook



13:  Focal Point, St. Louis, MO, The Focal Point – St. Louis' premiere listening room since 1975






31: Pulpit Rock Brewing, Decorah, IA 7-10 PM  Pulpit Rock Brewing Co.



6: Pulpit Rock Brewing, Decorah, IA 7-10 PM  Pulpit Rock Brewing Co.






Bob Bovee
18287 Gap Dr.
Spring Grove, MN 55974
507-498-5452 or bobbovee46@gmail.com